


  • All Types of Individual Tax Returns
  • Individual Tax Return (for a normal employee or self-employed person)
  • Rental Properties
  • Fringe Benefits Tax
  • Capital Gains Advise and Tax
  • Home Business Tax Return
  • Sole Trader Tax Return
  • ATO Non-Lodgement Advice
  • Amended Tax Returns
  • Late tax returns

Self Managed Super Funds

  • Establishment including the necessary legal and administrative requirements.
  • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: including lodging annual returns, preparing financial statements, and arranging an annual audit.
  • Financial Statements and Reporting
  • Fund establishment
  • Audit: Arranging independent audits as a compliance requirements.
  • Tax Planning 
  • Pension and Benefit Payments: ensuring compliance with the minimum pension payment standards and other regulations. Guidance on the most tax-effective strategies for drawing down retirement benefits.

Stress free

Let us take the stress away. Working with you for the best outcome. 

Our guarantee to you.

Do you want to save time and money?
Our clients love our fixed fee pricing packages.

Business Consulting

Business solutions aimed at identify issues that are inhibiting business growth and in real time. Providing quality services that is both effective and timely.

Terms of Engagement

The full terms and conditions of Tuplin Accounting Service are set out in our Terms of Engagement (Terms) document that will be supplied to every client.

By engaging our firm to provide accounting, taxation and business services, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of Tuplin Accounting Services as set out in the document you will receive  and are bound by them.

This Agreement is constituted by these Terms and any other later document that we advise you becomes part of, or varies this Agreement.  These Terms confirm our understanding of the nature and the limitations of the services we will provide to you.  We may also detail further limitations on the scope of our engagement with you in a fee proposal, email communication and associated correspondence specific to the particular engagement.

An engagement will start when you, or someone authorised by you, either completes and signs a new client engagement form, an authority to proceed form or makes a specified upfront payment as listed on the fee proposal specific to your engagement.  Please also note, that if you fail to return a signed acceptance but continue to use our services this will also be taken as acceptance of the terms of engagement.

Terms of Engagement 

These are the Terms of Engagement (“Terms”) of Tuplin Accounting Services (ABN 69 779 848 436). This  Agreement  is constituted  by these Terms and any other later document that we advise  you   becomes  part  of,  or  varies   this Agreement.  
These Terms confirm our understanding of the nature and the limitations of the services we will provide.  We may also detail further limitations on the scope of our engagement with you in a fee proposal, email communication and associated correspondence specific to the particular engagement

Our firm will provide services, which will be conducted  in accordance with the relevant professional and ethical standards   issued  by  the   Accounting  Professional  & Ethical Standards Board Limited (APESB).  The extent of  our procedures and services will be limited exclusively for this purpose only.  As a result, no audit or review of  the financial statements or income tax returns prepared will be performed and accordingly, no assurance will be  expressed.  Our engagement cannot be relied upon to disclose irregularities including fraud, or other illegal  acts and errors that may exist.  However, we will inform you of any such matters that come to our attention.  Our  role will be limited to the scope of works listed both above and below specific to your engagement.  We are  entitled to rely on the records provided as being both accurate and complete.
While our engagement does not include audit services, we are required by the Tax Agents Services Act 2009 to  satisfy  ourselves  as   to  the  reasonableness  of  the information and claims being made in the income tax  returns.  The legislation provides the basis for this and may require us to make further enquiries of you or your  nominated representatives from time to time.   Where possible, we will endeavour to identify the information  required in advance.  Any advice provided is only an opinion based on our knowledge of the business entity  and its particular circumstances.
Our professional services are conducted for the benefit of the individuals or entities specified in the report or as agreed. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on our professional services to any party other than as specified or agreed, and for the purpose which it was prepared.  Where appropriate, our report will contain a disclaimer to this effect.

In undertaking this engagement, you must generally ensure the following:
  • The bookkeeping for all Entities is maintained on a regular basis. In fact, we recommend the bookkeeping and record-keeping tasks be attended to each week.
  • Reconciliations for the bank accounts, debtors and creditors are performed at the end of each month for each of the Entities.
  • A stocktake will be performed during the last weekend in June for each entity that deals in trading stock.
In engaging us to provide taxation services,   it  is important for you to understand the following:
  • You    are   responsible   for    the   accuracy   and completeness   of    the   particulars   and    information provided to us by you.
  • Any advice we provide is only an opinion based on our knowledge of your particular circumstances.
  • You have obligations under the self-assessment regime to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the preparation of accurate returns.
  • We cannot provide taxation services if we find that information on which those services are to be based contain false or misleading information, or omit material information, and you are not prepared to appropriately amend that information.
By engaging us to compile financial statements, you acknowledge that:
  • The reliability, accuracy and completeness of the accounting records are your responsibility; and
  • That you have disclosed to us all material and relevant information.

You and your employees are responsible for the maintenance of the accounting systems and internal  controls for all the Entities.  That includes the keeping and maintenance of all required books of account.  Our  firm cannot be relied upon to disclose irregularities, including fraud, and other illegal acts and errors that  may occur with regard to such matters.   Our firm is not being engaged to conduct a statutory audit of the  financial records of any of your Entities and we will not express an auditor's opinion as to the truth and fairness  of the financial statements.

In the course of our engagement we will prepare various working papers and notes consistent with our internal  quality control system.  These working papers remain the property of our firm and will be retained by us to support any future queries on work completed.
All original documents obtained from the client arising from the engagement shall remain the property of the  client. Tuplin Accounting Services uses an electronic document management system. All documents received  from clients are scanned and stored electronically.  A reasonable effort will be made to return the documents  to you on completion of the engagement, however unless specifically advised by you, your acceptance of  these   terms   includes    your   consent   for   Tuplin Accounting   Services   to    destroy   any   hard    copy  documents received from you at their discretion.
Our engagement will result in the production of tax returns and financial statements. Ownership of these  documents  will  vest   in  you.    All   other  documents produced by us in respect of this engagement will  remain the property of the firm.  Where copies of documents previously provided to you are requested  you may be charged a nominal fee for retrieval from our archives, printing, photocopying and/or postage.  The  firm retains the option of exploring a legal right of lien over any client documents in our possession in the event  of  a   dispute.  The  firm   has  an  established   dispute resolution process.

Our firm is able to provide a wide range of services and products to you that have not been outlined above.  These   include   accounting,    taxation,   tax   effective business  structures,   asset  protection  strategies   and  structures, cash flow advice, quarterly reporting and mentoring,  bookkeeping,   bookkeeping  software  (we  recommend Xero and MYOB), software assistance and advice.  We also work closely with financial planners,  lenders, mortgage brokers, insurance specialists and other professionals (some of which we have a paid  referral arrangement with) to whom we can refer you to if we are unable to help you directly.  We strive to be  your first port of call for any of these services and are only too happy to assist.  As you require additional work  to be completed other than what is covered by current or previous engagements and request us to complete  these additional works for you these will represent a separate engagement.  If the engagement is for ongoing  work or new entities this document will be replaced with a new engagement letter that includes the wider scope  of the engagement.  For additional stand alone or one off work a separate engagement document will be  issued.
Unless specifically requested in writing, our engagement will  not   cover  the  review   of  your  obligations   of compliance with the following;
  • Indirect state taxes such as land tax and stamp duty
  • Employment taxes such as payroll tax and workers compensation
  • Employer    obligations   such   as    Superannuation Guarantee and Fair Work
  • Withholding   from  suppliers  and   checking  the validity of quoted ABNs

To ensure the efficient completion of your work, it is agreed that all information that is reasonably required will be made available, in order for us to complete the various engagements agreed.
Some   of    the   agreed   work    is   subject   to    specific lodgement dates.  Our objective is to ensure that all work is completed on time to meet these lodgement dates.  Our capacity to complete the work required, relies    on   us   receiving    the   information   within    a reasonable time period prior to those due dates and receiving timely answers to any queries raised.
Before we lodge any returns on your behalf, we will forward the documents to you for approval.  We will endeavour to ensure that the returns are lodged by the due dates.   If you are late in providing information or returning   signed    documents,   we   will    make   every reasonable effort to meet the time limits but we will not be responsible for any late lodgement penalties or interest charges you may incur.
Our services will be provided to you on a fee for service basis.  The fee arrangement is based on the complexity  of the engagement, the time taken, the professional skill, experience and acumen required, the particular  nature and risk of the matter, the monetary values involved, specialist input required and the urgency of  the matter.  Goods and services tax (“GST”) at the prevailing rate will be added to and forms part of our  fees.      GST   disbursements   properly    incurred   from external    suppliers     (couriers,    ASIC    fees,     other  Government fees etc) will be charged to you at cost plus GST.
Our fees assume that the source material you provide to us is reliable and useable to complete the engagement.  Where   there   is    uncertainty   regarding   the    source material, or the tax or accounting treatments used, then  we will raise these issues with you.   Rectification of these issues is not included in our fee estimates and will be  invoiced in addition to our fee estimates.   General assistance and support with ad-hoc issues that you may  face   from   time    to   time   outside    of   an   existing engagement that you instruct us to proceed with will be  charged at an hourly rate and billed either monthly or on completion.
Where you require additional work to be completed beyond this engagement then this will represent a separate engagement.  We will be happy to agree to the nature and fee level for this work with you in advance of commencing the work.
Where possible we will give you an estimate or range in which you can expect the cost to fall prior to starting the  job.  If a fee estimate is provided it is done so in good faith but is in no way contractually binding.  If the fee is  expected   to   change during   the   course    of   the engagement, you will be notified.  After receipt of all tax  records, if we determine that the complexity of the job is outside our normal scope, we reserve the right to  renegotiate a revised fee to our mutual satisfaction. 
 This fee arrangement will be subject to change if your instructions change or other circumstances come to our  attention which necessitate us contacting you to discuss a revision of these fees.  The business entities and adult  family members within the group are all jointly and severally liable to pay our accounts, regardless of which  of the listed individuals or entities those accounts are addressed to and regardless of which of the listed  individuals or entities received the benefit of the work performed.
Fees will be payable prior to ATO lodgement.  For lengthy or complex jobs we  may invoice progressively throughout if agreed, or on completion   of    parts   of   the    engagement   (eg   on  completion of quarterly BAS’s). We also offer quarterly or monthly billing in advance to assist our clients in  managing their cashflow, if this is of interest to you please contact us to discuss a specific arrangement.  Our  terms are payment in full in 7 days from invoice date.
Once payment is made the service is not refundable unless required by law.  If we suspend work or terminate this engagement by reason of your failure to make payment of our fee, we will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any client in the Group as a result of the suspension or termination.

During   the    performance   of   our    work   under   this engagement, we may detect conduct or a transaction that is considered to constitute NOCLAR, which has a material effect on any documents or information that might  be   required  to  be   provided  to  a   regulatory authority (RA), such as the ATO.
If we detect any NOCLAR, we may have an ethical requirement to make a disclosure to a RA. We will follow a formal process which will include advising you of our concerns, and if necessary, seeking legal advice. If we do seek legal advice we reserve the right to ask you to pay or reimburse us for our reasonable costs.
If we are required to make a disclosure to a RA, you agree to forever release us from any claim for costs or losses  you  incur   in  responding  to   or  dealing  with anything that arises from our disclosure.
We will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any   electronic    data   that   contains    your   private information  is   securely  stored  and   that  any  email transmissions are protected and are not able to be intercepted by third parties. However, we cannot be held liable for any loss that you might incur as a consequence   of  any  third   party  intervention  that accesses, procures or copies any data that contains your private information from any medium or device we use to store or transmit such information.
In  the   event  that,  despite   our  firm  having   taken reasonable precautions to securely store your private information,   you   suffer    any   losses   arising    from unauthorised   cyber-activity,  you  agree   to  forever release us from any claim for your losses.
Our firm’s liability may be limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.
We will not be responsible for any errors brought about by your failure to provide information or documentation later found to be material to your tax affairs.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage (including direct, indirect or consequential loss) arising from any inaccuracy   or  other  defect   in  any  information   or documents supplied by you.
We will not be responsible for any late lodgement or other fees and fines brought about by your failure to  provide required documents and information in a timely manner. 
We will not be liable for any late lodgement penalties incurred unless we are solely responsible for the late lodgement of the documentation.
No  act   or  omission  by   our  accountants  will   be considered   gross   negligence,    wilful   default,   wilful  misconduct, fraud, dishonesty or breach of duty to the extent to which the act or omission was caused or  contributed to by any failure by any other person (who is  not   within  our  reasonable   control)  to  fulfil   any  obligations relating to the Agreement or by any other act or omission of any other person (who is not within our  reasonable control).
Any tax refund estimate provided is only an estimate and we are not responsible and will not accept liability if  the ATO determines an outcome which is different than the estimate provided at the time of lodgement.  Our  principal accountant is a practicing member of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and our firm is
covered under the IPA Professional Standards Scheme (Scheme). Under the Scheme, our accountants' civil liability for damages arising out the provision of the Services will be limited to $2,000,000.
A copy of the IPA Scheme is available on the website of the IPA at pc/professional-standards-scheme.

This firm has been engaged to prepare the annual financial accounts of the Entities in your Group.  This service includes the preparation of:
  • a profit and loss statement;
  • a balance sheet; and
  • notes for the above accounts.
This  service   includes  maintenance  of   the  chart  of accounts for the general ledgers of your Entities, and telephone and email support should you require any assistance as to how to record specific transactions in the   general  ledger.    
This  service   also  includes  the preparation and lodgement of any standard reports that are required to be furnished to ASIC.  However, this service does not include the preparation of one-off accounts for presentation to your financiers for additional finance and the like.
Our firm has been engaged to prepare and lodge income tax returns for your Group.
You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the particulars and information provided to us by you.
This  firm   will  not  be   responsible  for  reviewing   or verifying any financial records or statements provided to  it   either   via    manual   cashbooks   or    prepared   on accounting software such as Xero or MYOB.  Correct  coding or classification of accounts is outside the scope of this engagement.  If assistance is required on how to  correctly code, or to review how you currently do so, please discuss this with us.  This will entail work which is  outside the scope of this engagement and will be charged as additional services.
You have obligations under the self-assessment regime to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the  preparation of accurate returns.  Please ensure that you have all source documentation available to allow this  firm to analyse the income tax implications of any transaction, if we request to see it.  Whilst we will not as  a matter of course be looking at these documents, the ATO will expect you (and you are required) to have them  available before any claim is made in your income tax return.  We may in some circumstances also request to  see source documents if a tax issue is particularly contentious.
It is also expected that, in respect of individual income tax  returns,   each  person  will   have  the  necessary documents so as to comply with the substantiation provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act.
We will specifically advise as to the requirements of the substantiation provisions relating to your income tax  return and of the necessity to obtain acceptable receipts as specifically required by the legislation.  We will not,  however, be checking that the requirements of the substantiation provisions have been satisfied.  This  specifically means that we will not be reviewing your log book or any calculations or information you provide us,  such as a rental property schedule either prepared by you on a spreadsheet or by a property manager.  If you  require assistance in completing a log book or preparing any calculations, or you would like us to review such  work, please discuss this with us.  This will entail work which is outside the scope of this letter and will be  charged as additional services.
From time to time, this firm prepares templates and schedules to assist with the collation of information to complete income tax returns.  These will be provided free of charge.
The fee for this service does not cover any inquiries made to us, or investigations involving us, conducted by the ATO or any other government or regulatory body. Substantial penalties apply for an incorrectly prepared income tax return.  If you have any queries in respect to this, please contact our office for assistance. 
We cannot provide taxation services if we find that information on which those services are to be based contain false or misleading information, or omit material information, and you are not prepared to appropriately amend that information.
As the BAS returns are prepared quarterly and lodged during the financial year, it is not possible for this firm to review   the  correctness  of   the  underlying  financial information as part of the preparation of the quarterly BAS return.   This is because we are engaged to prepare the annual accounts and these are prepared after the conclusion of the financial year.
Therefore, for the quarterly BAS returns, we will rely on and process the financial information provided to us  without any review of the primary source documents.  In doing   that,  we  will   make  the  following   specific  assumptions:
The financial information provided to us is accurate. The financial information correctly states the GST position.  For example, all input tax credits and GST payable amounts have been correctly recorded in the general ledger.  If you are unsure of the correct position or require advice regarding this, we are able to provide this as work which is outside the scope of this letter and charged as additional services.
  • You have the necessary supporting documentation to satisfy the ATO for GST purposes.  Again, if you are unsure of the ATO requirements or require advice regarding these documents, we are able to provide this as work which is outside the scope of this letter and charged as additional services.
  • You hold valid tax invoices and adjustment notes for all expenditure incurred by you in respect of an input tax  credit   which  is  being   claimed.    Substantial penalties apply for an incorrectly prepared BAS.   If you have any queries in respect to this, please contact our office for assistance.
However, it is possible that, when the financial accounts are prepared, some discrepancies will exist between the  information disclosed in the quarterly BAS returns and in   the    annual   financial   statements.     Should   any  discrepancies arise, we will discuss the need to correct either the BAS returns and/or financial accounts.  Those  services will involve work which is outside the scope of this letter and will be charged as additional services.
This firm has also been engaged to prepare and lodge the FBT returns for your Entities.  Please note, because  of the impact of GST, it is not impossible to prepare an FBT  return   from  the  information   contained  in  the general ledger.  It is necessary to revert to the source documentation to allow our firm to analyse the FBT implications of any transaction.
Our fee for this service includes the following:
  • Advice on how to collate the information necessary to prepare the annual FBT return;
  • An annual review of the methods available to reduce the FBT expense on the annual FBT return;
  • Telephone advice on basic FBT issues; and
  • The calculation of Reportable Fringe Benefits Tax
Amounts that may be required to be included on the     annual    payment    summaries     for    your employees (including family members employed in the business of any Entity).
Where Tuplin Accounting Services is appointed your ASIC  registered   agent,  services  will   be  limited  to  preparation and lodgement of the company’s annual statutory return and drafting of the required declaration  of solvency minute. It will be the client’s responsibility to maintain the corporate register and tend to other  corporate responsibilities, such as company minutes and company detail changes unless further written  instruction is provided to us.  These additional services may attract additional fees.
Please be aware there is a 28-day lodgement timeframe for all company information and detail changes to be made with ASIC, and as a requirement to meet these deadlines we will need a minimum 21 days’ notice of any changes to be made in order to complete and file the required documentation.  We accept no responsibility of any late lodgement fees.
You   acknowledge    that   once   an    ASIC   Form  362 Appointment or Cessation of a Registered Agent by a  company has been signed by the company officeholders all further ASIC forms will be lodged directly online,  reducing the levels of risk for late fees and fraudulent activity. No original copies of ASIC forms are required to  be kept on premises other than the Form 362 as per ASIC guidelines.
Where  you   choose  to  appoint   Tuplin  Accounting Services as your ASIC registered agent by accepting &  signing these terms you are taken to have consented in writing  to   the  appointment  of  Tuplin  Accounting  Services as your ASIC Agent.  Our firm charges an annual fee per company for the preparation of the company’s  annual statutory return and the use of our office as a registered address.  This fee will be payable upon  lodgement of each Annual Company Statement.   An ASIC annual review fee will also be payable by the company directly to ASIC.
Our firm has also been engaged to attend to the income tax    compliance    work     for    your    self-managed superannuation  fund   (SMSF).    This  assignment   will involve the following:
  • Preparation    of   the   SMSF's    accounts   for   the purposes    of     the    Superannuation    Industry Supervision Act 1993 (the SIS Act).
  • Preparation and lodgement of the SMSF annual return.  It is important to note as part of the regulatory framework for SMSFs, an annual audit of the fund must be undertaken and provided to the trustees of the fund before the SMSF annual return is lodged.  Therefore, trustees of the fund must ensure  that  they   provide  the  fund   accounting records in a timely manner to allow these tasks to be completed.
  • With respect to the annual audit of the SMSF referred    to     above    this    office     will   make arrangements for the audit to be undertaken by an external party, the fee for which will be included on our invoice at the completion of the engagement. The client will be liable for all costs associated with the completion of the audit.
In addition to the basic financial information required to complete these requirements, it is expected that the source documentation will be available to allow this firm to  analyse  the   implications  of  any   superannuation related transaction and to provide to the auditor to satisfy their requirements.
You should also note that the deeds of the fund should be annually reviewed by a superannuation specialist to  ensure they continue to comply with the requirements of the SIS Act.  Our engagement does not extend to the  provision of such legal advice and our fee does not include this service.  We are happy to recommend the  services of a superannuation specialist for this task.
This service does not cover any inquiries made by or investigations conducted by the Australian Taxation  Office. Tuplin Accounting Services Pty Ltd does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence and are not an  authorised representative of such a licence holder.  As a result, we are generally prohibited from providing you  with any advice, recommendation or opinion that is intended to influence you in making any decision in  relation   to   superannuation   (including    whether to establish,   contribute  to  or   draw  benefits  from  a
superannuation fund, or any investment decision by an superannuation trustee), or that could reasonably be  regarded as being intended to have such an influence (Financial Advice).  However, we are able to provide you  with superannuation advice that is of a factual nature only (e.g., to explain how superannuation rules would  apply to you and what options are available to you).
Where you request us to undertake superannuation related work (e.g., to arrange for the establishment of a self-managed superannuation fund), we will be obliged to perform that work in accordance with your instructions, even if we believe those instructions may not be in your best interest.
Where you request Financial Advice we will endeavour to   assist    you   in   obtaining    that   advice   from    an appropriately   licenced   advisor.    Depending   on   the circumstances, this may  involve us outsourcing the provision of the Financial Advice (in which case we would seek your prior authorisation), or referring you to a licenced provider directly.
We will prepare and lodge STP reports with the ATO, based on the information provided to us by you, your employees or any third party authorised by you,   without   reviewing    or   verifying   the    payroll  calculations, any relevant wage rates or the source documents relied upon to process each STP pay event.
We will only provide a lodgement service. We make no representations about the accuracy of the information  submitted, the due date or whether it is received by the ATO.
Our firm is not being engaged to perform, or check the accuracy of, payroll calculations associated with the STP  reports. You and your employees are responsible for correctly preparing and processing each pay event, and  for maintaining the necessary supporting documentation.
You  and   your  employees  are   also  responsible  for calculating and remitting your PAYG withholding and Superannuation Guarantee liabilities with respect to each employee, for each relevant pay event.
The Tax Agents Services Act 2009 requires us to advise you of your rights and obligations where we are acting for you on taxation matters.  In relation to the taxation services provided: 
You are subject to the self-assessment system in relation to any of your income tax returns.  The Commissioner is entitled to rely on any statements made in your income tax returns.  Where those statements are later found to be incorrect, the Commissioner   may   amend    your   income   tax assessments and, in addition to any tax assessed,  you may also be liable for penalties and interest charges.  Where there is fraud or evasion there is no  time   limit  on  amending   the  assessment. Accordingly, you should check the return before it is signed to ensure that the information in the return is accurate
  • You have an obligation to keep proper records that will substantiate the taxation returns prepared and
  • which will satisfy the substantiation requirements of the Income Tax Assessment Act.   Failure to keep such    records   could   result    in   claims   being  disallowed, additional tax being imposed, and the imposition of penalty or general interest charges.
  • You    are   responsible   for    the   accuracy   and completeness of the particulars and information required to comply with the various taxation laws. We  will   use  this  information   supplied  in  the preparation of your returns.
  • Your rights as a taxpayer include, the right to seek a   private   ruling,    the   right   to    object   to   an assessment by the Commissioner and the right to appeal   against   an    adverse   decision   by    the Commissioner.  Certain time limitations may exist for you to exercise these rights.  Should you wish to exercise these rights at any time you should contact us so that we can provide you with the relevant time frames and to discuss any additional requirements which may exist.
You are required by law to keep full and accurate records relating of your tax affairs. It is your obligation to provide our firm with all information that would be reasonably expected and will be necessary to allow us to perform work contemplated under the engagement within a timely manner or as requested. This includes providing accurate and complete responses to questions asked of the client by the practitioner.  Inaccurate, incomplete or late information could have a material effect on services and/or conclusions.
We   need    not   verify   the    underlying   accuracy   or completeness of information from you if it appears reasonable.  However, if we believe information is missing, incorrect or misleading, we will need to seek further assurance from you.
Any advice given to the client is only an opinion based on    our     knowledge    of    the     client’s    particular circumstances.  Formal, written advice can be provided at  your  request   but  this  amounts   to  a  separate engagement from the preparation of a tax return or other document and will incur additional cost.
In order for our practice to be able to lodge returns on your behalf, it is your responsibility to provide us with  complete and accurate records. Further, in order to lodge your return on time, we will require you to provide  us the relevant information as and when requested.
Where you are unable to provide us with complete and accurate records, we may be unable to prepare and  lodge   your   return.    Tax   agents   are    subject   to   a Professional Code of Conduct contained in the Tax Agent  Services Act 2009, which prevents them from acting for a client where insufficient records or information exists  so as to be able determine the amount of the client’s income or deductions.
We also reserve the right to question any claims for deductions or credits that in our reasonable judgment  might be considered as being excessive, and we may ask for more substantiation or records to prove that such a  claim is allowable under the law. If we believe that a claim is excessive and cannot be substantiated we  reserve the right not to include such a claim in your income tax returns or BAS, but you will have the right to  lodge  an   objection  after  receiving   your  notice  of objection. There may be further costs in doing so, and  we will advise you accordingly
Because of the ATO’s concerns with dealings in the cash economy, there are particular recording imperatives for clients who operate in that sector. In particular, the ATO has a program of “benchmarking” standardised revenue returns for a wide range of cash businesses.
In   circumstances   where    it   is   dissatisfied   with    a taxpayer’s records or recording systems, the ATO will often assess income tax and/or GST on what it considers to    be   an   appropriate “benchmark”  amount   (plus penalties and interest) and then put the taxpayer to the task of disproving that assessment. 
Where  that   occurs,  the  taxpayer   is  at  a   serious disadvantage and can be put to a great deal of cost and effort in disputing the assessment.
Taxpayers  who   operate  in  the   cash  economy  are therefore urged to have a robust and reliable system for recording and reporting all cash transactions and to ensure that the recorded figures are accurate.
If you need assistance in setting up or reviewing your recording and reporting systems, we will be happy to do  so and will advise you of our rates for doing so on request.
The Taxation Administration Act 1953 now contains specific provisions that may provide you with “safe harbour” from administrative penalties for incorrect or late   lodgement   of    returns. These safe harbour provisions will only be available to you if amongst other things, provide “all relevant taxation information” to our firm in a timely manner (the safe harbour provisions apply from 1 March 2010).  Accordingly, it is to your advantage that all relevant information is disclosed to our firm,   as  any  failure   by  you  to   provide  this information may affect your ability to rely on the “safe harbour” provisions and will be taken into account in determining the extent to which tax practitioners have discharged  their  obligations   to  clients. It is your responsibility to show that you have brought all matters to our attention if you want to take advantage of the safe harbours created under the new regime.
We   may    collect   Personal   Information    about  your  representatives,  your   clients  and  others   when  we  provide services to you.  If we do, you agree to work with us to ensure that we both meet the obligations that we  each may have under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended) (Privacy Act).  The obligations may include  notifying the relevant person to whom the personal information relates, who we are and how we propose to  use  their  personal   information.    Where  you   have collected personal information, you confirm that you  have collected the personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act, that you are entitled to provide this  personal information to us and that we may use and disclose the personal information for the purposes/s we  provide our services to you.  We will handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.  Tuplin  Accounting Services is compliant with the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).  A copy of our privacy policy is available on request to our office (03) 5967 1312 or viewed on our website
This engagement will be managed under Tax Agent No. 26130512 and Tax Agent No 52094008.   Please do not hesitate to contact any of the team on (03) 9752 6834 if you have any queries or require further assistance.
From time to time during the completion of your work, we   may    engage   various   staff,    internal   contract personnel,    external    contract     personnel    experts, consultants and specialists who we consider appropriate for the completion of your work.  These personnel will have access to your accounting and taxation records only for the purpose of completing the accounting, taxation, audit, business advisory or other purpose outlined in the scope or otherwise agreed.
Our firm may from time to time use the services of third party contractors to perform some of the services we are engaged to perform for you. Each client accepting these terms and conditions hereby authorises us to disclose information relating to that client’s affairs to all such third party contractors as we may choose to engage to perform such work.
In order to manage workflows necessary to meet our service commitments under this engagement, our office  may   engage   third    party   service   providers    (whom operate either locally or offshore) on your behalf as and  when required. In the event this occurs, our office is satisfied those third parties meet all Australian Privacy  Law obligations as set out under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)   and    the   Australian   Privacy    Principles   (APP  standards).
Acceptance of our services in conjunction with this engagement document indicates your acceptance of the  use   of    these   services   as    described.   Where   the outsourced service requires the disclosure of personal  information to an overseas recipient a consequence of your consent is that Tuplin Accounting Services will be  required to take reasonable steps to ensure that the Australian Privacy Principles are complied with by the  overseas recipients of the Personal Information.  Where we use the services of third-party contractors, we are  nevertheless responsible for the conduct and activities of those contractors and for the delivery of the services  we are engaged to perform for you. 
From time to time, we may be asked to provide copies of the financial statements, income tax returns or other information produced in the course of this engagement for your group of entities.
If   we    are   requested   to    provide   this   information (including to a third party such as a financial institution), any one-person subject to this engagement can provide this authorisation.  For example, if one-person subject to this engagement requests information regarding the partnership or other individuals involved then we have authority to provide this information to them without seeking further authorisation.
We may also need to disclose information relating to one client’s affairs to other clients in the Group to assist  in performing our work, to persons responsible for the governance of an entity to comply with accounting  standards, or to a professional body of which we are a member  in   relation  to  a   quality  review  program  undertaken by that body.  Each client in the Group hereby authorises us to do so when we consider it  appropriate to further our performance of work for the Group, or when required by that professional body.
During the course of this engagement we will collect personal information from the individuals involved in  this   engagement   and    others.      We   will    treat   as confidential  and   maintain  the  confidentiality  of  all  information and records that you provide or disclose to us, and those produced in the course of completing an  engagement.  This information will only be disclosed to a third party where specific authority has been granted  for us to provide this information, or where we are subject to a legal duty to disclose the information.
We utilise third party software system (as part of our service delivery to you) such as MYOB and Xero (cloud  accounting systems); BGL 360 & SimpleFund 360 (a cloud-based administration and super fund tax return  preparation system); Office 365 (a cloud email, calendar and document management system); Dropbox (cloud  document management systems); DocuSign & Adobe Sign (a cloud electronic signature system). These cloud  computing   systems   store    files   on   remote    servers operated by third parties, including the use of hosting  providers  in  the   United  States  of   America  and  in Singapore. There is the ability for you to act as the  Subscriber for Xero Business Edition subscriptions and to "invite" us into that subscription as an "invited user",  rather than having us act as the Subscriber to that subscription.  Xero   has  different  user   roles,  and  in  particular the Subscriber to a Xero subscription has the ability to control access rights to a Xero subscription. If we are the Subscriber for your Xero Business Edition, we will always give you full access to your Xero subscription,  including  if  the   business  relationship  between    us terminates or if there is a dispute between us. If you  transfer your business to a new accountant, you will need to provide us with the name and email address of  your chosen new Xero Subscriber for us to transfer your Xero subscription. We are bound by the Xero Partner  Code of Conduct. This Code contains dispute resolution procedures   and    how   your   access    to   the   Xero  subscription will be maintained in the event of a dispute (including relating to non-payment of our fees) between  us and you.  By agreeing to these engagement terms and accepting our services you acknowledge and agree that  your personal information may be stored overseas.
Our firm has a policy that wherever possible and unless advised otherwise we will communicate with you and  provide documents to you in an electronic format.  We do this to expedite the dissemination of documents to  you, reduce our impact on the environment, and reduce the costs we pass on to you. Therefore, unless you notify  us otherwise in writing, we will assume that you consent to  the   use  of  electronic   communications  and  are  prepared  to  receive   and  sign  required   documents electronically.
The Electronic Transactions Act 1999 allows for digital signatures  to   be  legally  binding.     Unless  explicitly  prevented under specific law or guidelines of a relevant government body all parties to this agreement agree  that a digital signature shall be effective to prove each party’s agreement to the terms of any documentation  which  requires  signature.   Furthermore,  the  parties agree that the terms of this Agreement and any other  documents may be provided through an electronic facsimile,   including    a   scanned   electronic    copy   in  Portable Document Format (“PDF”) or other digital format, and that no original hard-copy document is  required to be retained. You also understand that as such electronic communication is not secure it may be  copied, recorded, read or interfered with by third parties while in transit and accordingly, you release us from any  claim you may have as a result of any unauthorized copying, recording, reading or interference with any  document that we send or receive by way of electronic communication, or for any delay or non-delivery of any  document and for any damage caused to your system or any   files    by   a   transfer    by   way   of    electronic  communication. 
As a member of the Institute of Public Accountants, as Principal, my firm is subject to periodic Professional Practice Quality Assurance reviews. Unless otherwise advised, you are consenting to your files being part of  such a quality review. This review is of our client records and not of you as a client and you have full assurances  that   complete   confidentiality   will    be   maintained throughout.
You   will    be   provided   the    highest   standard   of professional service. If for any reason you feel you have not received the service expected, please in the first instance, contact me/us to discuss.
Furthermore, as a member of the Institute of Public Accountants in Professional Practice I am subject to the  ethical and professional requirements of the Institute of Public    Accountants    and     its    Investigations    and  Disciplinary processes.  These requirements cover issues such  as  APES 110   Code  of  Ethics   for  Professional  Accountants, adherence to Accounting and Auditing Standards,   requirements   to    undertake   Continued  Professional Education and to hold trust money in a Trust Account.  Should there be an issue regarding my  ethical or business practices, such matters may be referred  to   the  Institute  of   Public  Accountants  for  investigation.  As a member of the Institute of Public Accountants   I   am    also   obliged   to    hold   current  Professional Indemnity insurance, and I warrant to you that my insurance cover is in accordance with the  Institute  of  Public   Accountants  requirements.  As  a member  of  the   Institute  of  Public   Accountants  in  Victoria I am also subject to the Professional Standards Legislation.  My   liability  is  capped   under  a  scheme  approved by the Professional Standards Legislation.  Further information on the scheme is available from the  Professional Standards Councils’              website:
The   advice    contained   in   this    communication   and engagement   contains   factual    information   and/or recommendations with regard to asset protection and tax compliance.  It is in this context that we also comment on purchasing any proposed business assets including plant and equipment, taking on new work contracts, acquiring real property or the restructuring of any legal business or investment entities.
Legal advice should always be sought in relation to legal documents and their impact on you prior to signing.
Tuplin Accounting Services is not licensed to provide financial product advice under the Corporations Act  2001.  You should consider obtaining advice from an appropriately licensed or authorised financial adviser  before you decide on a financial product, including investment in real property, selling shares, rolling over  superannuation and any effects it may have on personal insurances.
Where you request Financial Advice we will endeavour to   assist    you   in   obtaining    that   advice   from    an appropriately   licenced   advisor.    Depending   on   the circumstances, this may  involve us outsourcing the provision of the Financial Advice (in which case we would seek your prior authorisation), or referring you to a licenced provider directly.
We make no assurance or recommendation as to the suitability for you to acquire business assets, property or  shares, or as to their market valuations or suitability for your    overall     investment    needs.         It             is             our  recommendation    that    you     obtain    professional valuations and asset inspections by a qualified 3rd party  provider on any investment or asset acquisitions.
In executing the services under this engagement, we are not specifically providing any advice to induce you into  the acquisition or expansion of any investment or asset purchases, or making guarantees as to successes or  likely gains in relation to them, or to the successes and sustainability of business growth and profits, other than  providing sound explanations based on factual evidence and outcomes.
Any party signing our New Client Details form or any subsequent Authority to Proceed or Consent to Act attached to any current or future Fee Proposal letter, acknowledge that they have received these Engagement Terms and are bound by them. 

Contact us for all the taxation and accounting support you need!

Request a copy of Tuplin Accounting Terms and Conditions